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Faishana Belong To Banaras

S 14/18-1 KH 18-1K, 1st Floor, Raniya Mahal, Andhrapul, Varanasi, 221002, India

Phone: 765.432.1678

Email Faishana Belong To Banaras

About Faishana Belong To Banaras

Established August 2012

Faishana provides an easy way to online shopping of Banarasi sarees. The best part is, you don’t have to go all the way to Varanasi to buy a Banarasi, and you can shop Banarasi saree online on Faishana sitting at the comforts of your home or any corner of the planet. Faishana Banarasi Silk Sarees have been an essential part of every North Indian Wedding. Faishana offers the best value for money, with every purchase, whether it is wedding Banarasi saree or traditional Banarasi saree, being of utmost quality and made in Varanasi (Banaras).

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