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Ashwin Architects

Number 23,, Ratnavilas Road, Basavanagudi, Bangalore, 560004, India

Ashwin Architects

Phone: 080-26612520

Fax: 080-26601504

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About Ashwin Architects

Established June 2003

Ashwin Architects, top Bangalore architect & interior designer specializes in eco-friendly, modern homes, offices, residential - commercial spaces.

They have been on the forefront of catering to the needs for New Home / Office Design, Architectural Design Services, Interior Designs and Turnkey Services in Bangalore.

The firm was started in mid-2003 with the express intention of bridging the divide that exists between people's perception of their personal spaces & the stark reality of the building coming up in our urban jungles. A human mid is extremely sensitive to the surroundings & this very same surrounding has a very deep impact on this very same human mind. A deep sense of well-being is required for us to function at our best. Our surroundings, the people, the traffic, career objectives etc, has a direct bearing on our sense of well-being. We cannot do anything about traffic but we can create a meaningful interface between you and your surroundings i.e. the house in a qualitative manner that enhances positive energies in terms of form, function, climate control etc. This young firm is totally involved in extending a meaningful interface between your lifestyle & your surroundings. This is achieved by constant reinvention of design philosophy to better understand the human needs. The design exploration is taken into the micro level to satisfy every need (whim & fancy not spared). Spatial quality is given due respect. In-fact, it is the single most important aspect around which our design philosophy revolves. Our experience lies in individual residences, development of housing layouts, low-rise apartments, complexes etc. The design team is led by Ashwin A.P., holding a Bachelor degree in Architecture & a Master's in Construction Management. He is supported by a host of people from within the office as well as external consultants.
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Contemporary Architectural Design Services: Give your new building fantastic design.

Contemporary Architectural Design Services: Give your new building fantastic design.

03/21/2012 Are you looking for Contemporary Architectural Design Services, to make your new home or building look stylish? Are you looking to make heads turn and see expressions of the WOW factor?Then you need to take hold of Ashwin Architects who provide Conte... Read More »

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