Welcome to Mirzapur Rugs. Classical yet contemporary. Textile art for a tasteful space with a rich cultural heritage. Timeless yet reinventing the old into the now and the new. Luxurious and opulent, we believe in recreating the craft of rug artisanship and presenting carpets with a holistic and modern approach to experience the true sense of royalty.

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Not all rooms are designed equal and some spaces call for something entirely bespoke, a more tailor-made approach. Rich tapestry juxtaposed with intricate design details in varied choices of thousands of shades — designs can be refashioned into ovals, squares, circles, and runners. Whether you have something specific in mind or need slight assistance, we have the experience and expertise to help you translate your vision into reality. Our specialist design-team stationed at our studio, will be of assistance at every stage to create a rug entirely suited to your needs - By private appointment only

A bespoke rug usually takes three to four months to weave, though elaborate commissions may take longer. This time of anticipation, however, seems short when you compare it with a lifetime of joy, in the form of a custom-designed masterpiece you can treasure forever. So, come experience tasteful, royal indulgences and translate your dreams into a beautiful bespoke rug.

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