scroll: red: flash1: selling dds 1m! ~-_-~ 0xSiCkPKERx0 ~-_-~ scroll: red: flash1: selling dds 1m! ~-_-~ 0xSiCkPKERx0 ~-_-~ scroll: red: flash1: selling dds 1m! ~-_-~ 0xSiCkPKERx0 ~-_-~ scroll: red: flash1: selling dds 1m! ~-_-~ 0xSiCkPKERx0 ~-_-~ scroll: red: flash1: selling dds 1m! ~-_-~ 0xSiCkPKERx0 ~-_-~ scroll: red: flash1: selling dds 1m! ~-_-~ 0xSiCkPKERx0 ~-_-~

Runescape - Dragon Dagger

Grab your $DDS, it's time to own some noobs

Lets simply max spec these jeets and its gg BUY NOW


Picture it: the early 2000s, sat on your home PC, wielding the Dragon Dagger for the first time after getting 60 attack and completing Lost City, venturing out into the Wilderness, ready to unleash it's special attack. With its double strike, the DDS, or later DDP++, was a game-changer, capable of turning battles on a dime. As adventurers dared to step into the Wilderness, hearts pounded with each encounter, with many a 'gf' exchanged between those who sought its risks and rewards. The DDS wasn't just a weapon; it embodied the audacious spirit of that era, where players embraced risks, savored the unknown, and made memories that still resonate today. Sound familiar anon? You're still playing, it's just a different type of game.