500 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Course
500 hour ttc

60 Nights / 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Goa, India

This 500 hour Yoga TTC is aimed at those students who would like to complete the 500 hour Yoga TTC in Goa in one stint. The 500 hour Yoga Teacher Training in Goa runs over 8 weeks with a Distance Learning project to complete in advance before coming to Goa. An 8-week stint at Kranti Yoga will allow you to fully immerse into yoga, both as a practitioner and new yoga teacher. There is a substantial break in between the courses for you to recharge, enjoy some beach time and see a little of the surrounding area.
During this time, you will really feel part of the yoga community here in Patnem, Goa. Many of our 500 hour Yoga TTC students go on to stay beyond the 8 weeks to gain experience in teaching yoga by supporting our work here in Goa through the Karma Yoga Program, which requires 2 Yoga TTCs.

Course duration – 500 hours / 60 Nights
Certified by – Yoga Alliance
Type of course -Yin and Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training
Level – Beginner , Intermediate & Advanced
Location venue -Kranti Yoga Beach Resort, Goa, India

Upcoming Dates and Booking

Note: If the number of enrolled students falls below five in any course, the course will be canceled.

Program Includes

500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Goa, India

Yoga session on beach as part of TTC course in Goa, India

Highlights of the Course

  • Develop a practice of Vinyasa Flow, Pranayama and Meditations.
  • Learn how to adjust postures from The Ashtanga Primary Series.
  • Understand the role of the myofascial connections and the body’s natural bio-tensegrity
  • Explore the concept of functional movement and its role in contemporary yoga
  • Study a new sequencing framework for Vinyasa Flow classes as demonstrated by the Kranti Yoga
  •  Discuss Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras with reference to modern philosophical thinking
A man and woman practicing yoga on mats during a yoga TTC course in Goa

Ashtanga Yoga and Adjustments

Students will develop a strong practice of Ashtanga Yoga while you study how to adjust each of these postures. Students will learn The Primary Series through a series of Ashtanga Yoga Led Classes and Self-Practices on alternate mornings. The daily Adjustments Workshop will provide the opportunity to learn and practice your alignment and adjustments on each other. Students will then adjust peers in selected morning practices. The adjustments of some popular Vinyasa Flow postures will also be explored.

500 hour ttc

Vinyasa Flow

Vinyasa Flow allows the body to move fluidly with the breath, flowing continuity from posture to posture. On alternate days, you will be taken on a physical and spiritual journey to achieve a challenging peak posture. The classes will demonstrate our sequencing framework which will then be further explored in Teaching Methodology where you will sequence your own classes. These classes aim to be an example of contemporary yoga as taught in studios today. Classes will incorporate dynamic stretches, myofascial release techniques and functional movement to compliment traditional alignment that will be acquired through knowledge of the Primary Series.

A woman practicing yoga on the floor with two others at a yoga tcc in Goa.

Yin Yoga

The Yin Classes will be happening every other day and takes you on a journey of stillness and mindfulness, offering a contrast to the yang nature of daily life. The Class is about deep, blissful poses that target your inner tissues. Teachers learn to guide students in creating a sacred space for this meditative practice. We explore anatomy, energy flow, and the power of mindfulness. The Yin class offers therapeutic benefits like flexibility and stress reduction. It’s a transformative experience that spreads good vibes.

Technical Workshops

These workshops are delivered in order to share our practice at Kranti Yoga. On the 300 YTTC, we have devised a series of workshop that will really allow you to advance your physical practice, achieving some of the more challenging postures of Vinyasa Flow. These workshops are 90 minutes long and will take place at the end of the day as your final daily practice. Workshops include: Shoulder Stability; Functional Movement; Inversions; Arm Balances; Myofascia Release; Backbending, Transitions.

Yoga Philosophy

Students will explore the fundamental concepts of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. This module will guide students to explore different translations and interpretations, looking at the evolution of the commentaries over time. The module will encourage debates on how the mind has evolved through the ages and how we might consider the Yoga Sutras in contemporary society. This module will also include a brief introduction of Ayurveda.

Peaceful yoga session on the beach with the sound of waves in the background.

Kranti Yoga Beach Resort

Experience the ultimate yoga immersion at Kranti Yoga Beach Resort. Our residential stays offer a seamless blend of training and community living. Enjoy delicious, nourishing meals and refreshing beverages provided throughout the day. Embrace the opportunity to fully immerse yourself in our vibrant yoga community as you embark on your transformative teacher training journey.

advance ttc

Yoga Alliance

All our Yoga TTCs are fully registered with the Yoga Alliance, USA. This is an international recognised qualification and allows you to teach worldwide. You can see details of both the 200 hour Yoga TTC and 300 hour Yoga TTC curriculum by visiting our Registered Yoga School in Goa, India profile. All curricula are written in support of Yoga Alliance, USA standards.

Daily Schedule

06:30 am – Meditation / Pranayama
08:00 am – Yin / Hatha / Vinyasa Yoga
09:30 am – Breakfast
10:30 am – Anatomy / Adjustments / Philosophy
01:30 pm – Lunch / break / swimming pool / ocean
03:30 pm – Teaching Methodology / Technical Workshop
06:30 pm – Sunset Meditation
07:00 pm – Dinner
08:00 pm – Evening activity (occasionally)


The Kranti Yoga Beach Resort is situated right on the magical Patnem beach, South Goa in India. Unlike other parts of Goa, Patnem beach has retained its peacefulness and natural charm. The Resort is a 5000-square meters property that has access to both the beach and the roadside. You get to soak up the amazing views and calming sea breeze during your practice.

Our Courses are residential with accommodation options to suit all budgets. The options range from four-share garden cottages right through to luxurious beachfront cottages. Choose to fall asleep with the sound of crashing waves and a light sea breeze or sleep nestled amongst the lush greenery of cashew, coconut, and mango trees.

For more info about the location click here.

Booking Process / Next Steps

01 Date

Check out and select your TTC Date

02 Price options

Choose your accommodation and optional items

03 Apply online

Fill in our application form

04 Pay

Pay a deposit or full amount to confirm your booking (+4 % Paypal fees)