Best Astrology Software | Free Astrology App | Web Horoscope API


The biggest company in the Astrology Software Market, Future Point has earned its name through the meticulous efforts of Dr. Arun Kumar Bansal, who strived hard to develop a version of the first ever Indian Astrology Software in the year 1978. The result was a well developed Astrology Software in the age where only manual birth chart reading was deemed accurate. Taken with a pinch of salt, the Software went on to become India’s Best Astrology Software in a market of 30 million astrologically woke audience. The result of extensive research and meticulous hard work of one man rightfully earned him the title of ‘Father of Computer Astrology’.

Future Point and the Best Astrology Softwares

Future Point is an organization which is led by Dr. Arun Bansal who has more than 4 decades of experience in providing life-changing occult based guidance to countless people all over the world.

It was Dr. Bansal who back in 1978, developed the first ever Indian Astrology Software. That very software, over the past decades, has gone through continuous & rigorous refinements in-sync with the latest technology and today, comes in different versions or types based on different astrological functionalities & modules.

Future Point provides the Best Astrology Softwares that one can ever come across. Every professional astrologer who values accuracy & ease of operations while analyzing a horoscope or kundli, uses and vouches for the astrology softwares from Future Point.

Categories of Astrological Software Offerings by Future Point

Future Point offers its astrological software expertise, broadly in the form of the following:

1. LeoStar- The Best Astrology Software in India

LeoStar is Future Point’s software offering for Windows-based operating systems. LeoStar has an incredible track record of user satisfaction literally spanning across decades, that makes it unambiguously- the Best Astrology Software in India!

LeoStar is without the shadow of a doubt, the Best Astrology Software for PC and it comes in different versions that perfectly cater to all the respective requirements of an astrologer.

2. LeoTouch- The Best Astrologer App in India

Future Point also offers an entire range of software solutions for the Android platform as well under the name of “Leo Touch” which is the Best Astrologer App in India.

LeoTouch is the Best Astrology App in India that caters to all the astrological calculations rel;ated requirements of an astrologer on an Android based device.

So, if you looking for Best Astrology App Download, then look no further than LeoTouch as it is the Best Astrology App for Android and due to its humongous popularity among astrologers using astrology softwares over Android, it is genuinely the Best Vedic Astrology App for Android.

3. Web Horoscope API

This is an offering for those who are running a website that provides services that require astrological calculations such as Horoscope Making, Match-Making for matrimonial purposes, Varshphal Predictions, Lal Kitab and Numerology Predictions etc.

This Web Horoscope API has the potential of increasing the online traffic on your website, manifold.

4. Leo Forecast- Your Perfect Business Companion

Leo Forecast is an astrological program from Future Point that uses historical data and astrological calculations to determine the direction of future business trends.

Leo Forecast tries to co-relate the planetary movement with ups & downs of a stock or the commodity rates. It extrapolates this correlation to forecast the future rates of the stock.

It is the combination of Vedic Astrology and mathematics to give the estimated prices of various stocks, forex and commodities.

So, do not look any further and choose your favorite Indian Astrology Software solution from Future Point and take your analysis to a whole new level!