Children Need Your Help!

Welcome to Vishwa Jyoti, where our mission is to illuminate the world with compassion and service. Founded in 1994, our organization has been a beacon of hope for the marginalized and downtrodden since its inception in 1979. At Vishwa Jyoti, we are driven by a profound sense of empathy and a commitment to alleviating poverty, exploitation, and oppression among the poorest of the poor in India, particularly in the remote tribal regions of Odisha and beyond.

As a registered society under the Society Registration Act of 1860, Vishwa Jyoti embodies the values of empathy, love, and care. We extend a warm welcome to all who share our vision of creating a more just and equitable society. Join us as we empower individuals to overcome adversity, embrace self-reliance, and cultivate awareness. Together, let us light the path towards a brighter future for all.


Born in 1932, JOHN BANIYAN DAS, was a different child among two brothers and five sisters. As a child he would make bricks from empty matchboxes and slushy mud. When dried in the sun, with these small bricks John would make small buildings of his design. When he was in Class-3 he scored such high.

Learn More

Sponsor a Child

Your donation to the Where Most Needed fund will help us better way to serve the childreninextreme poverty.

Give Where It's Most Needed

Your donation to the Where Most Needed fund will help us better way to serve the children inextreme poverty.

Ways To Get Involved

God wants to use you to accomplish transformational redemptive work in this world. Choose your action to help release children from poverty.

Children & Poverty

All Children are Precious in God's Sight

God said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

Donate to a Cause

Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done. These gifts ideally can be on a regular periodic basis over a period of time.

Our Accomplishments

At Vishwa Jyoti, we have empowered thousands through education, healthcare, and community development. Our initiatives have provided clean water to rural areas, supported women entrepreneurs, and delivered critical aid during disasters. We take pride in fostering resilience and hope, building a better future for all.

Our Vission

Loving, caring, sharing and serving communities live in dignity and self respect with access to opportunities to achieve their God-given potential

