Horoscope Reading

Famous Astrologer in Mumbai

Astrology is a system of interpreting heavenly bodies with the specific intention of benefiting the individual. The system of astrology is based on the intricate interpretation of the positioning of the stars and planetary bodies. Many people fail to see the subtle mechanisms used to reach the inferences and this incomprehension leads them to label astrology as some superstition. On the other hand, people who can see the logic of astrology will have no problem in utilizing its positives.

An expert astrologer like Dr. S. Hazra has the ability to provide solutions to various problems by drawing in the knowledge from various sub-branches of astrology, such as palmistry, numerology, gemology, and Vastu Shastra.

Astrology - A Science of Stars

Why Dr. S. Hazra is Best Astrologer in Mumbai?

Dr. S. Hazra is a well-known astrologer in Mumbai, celebrated for his decade-long expertise, blending creativity with precision. Armed with a B.Com, MBA, and Ms. AS (Cal) background, his accurate predictions and insightful consultations set him apart. Dr. Hazra's commitment to the art and science of astrology has earned him recognition as a trusted and famous astrologer in Mumbai, making him the go-to expert for those seeking profound guidance in their life's journey. Know More

How do Astrology Predictions Impact your Success?

People who are untrained in the field of astrology are not receptive to the messages of astrology. They need a medium and astrologers like Dr. S. Hazra act as a medium between an astrology laymen and the messages emanated by the celestial bodies. These emanations can be interpreted through various devices, such as numbers, lines on palms, etc. Our astrologers have gained mastery in all such instruments and this enables to provide them astrological services like numerology, palmistry, and Vastu Shastra consultancy.

We believe that unique problems need unique solutions; it is due to this reason, our astrological advice is tailored to the needs of the individual client. This customization aspect is what makes us best astrologer in Mumbai, Thane, Navi Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, Kolkata and other metro cities in India.

The solutions provided by our expert astrologers have worked even when all the conventional means failed to solve the problem. We, as the best astrological service in Mumbai, want to make the world better; happier; a place where there is less misery.

Who We are?

Welcome to Astrology Creative, where the art of astrological prediction meets boundless creativity. At Astrology Creative, we redefine the practice of astrology, blending foresight with innovative insights to offer a holistic approach to your life's journey.

Led by the esteemed Jyotish Acharya, Dr. S. Hazra, a best astrologer in Mumbai, our consultations reflect precision honed over a decade. Dr. Hazra, with over a decade of experience and a diverse educational background in B.Com, MBA, and Ms. AS (Cal), transitioned from a successful corporate career to pursue his passion for astrology, transforming it into a thriving profession.
Whether you seek personalized horoscope readings or online consultations, Astrology Creative offers a unique blend of accuracy and intuition. From precise astrological consultations to palmistry, numerology, gemstone recommendations, and expert match-making, our offerings are tailored to illuminate every facet of your life's journey.
Join us on a transformative journey where astrology becomes a canvas for creative foresight, paving the way for a successful and fulfilling future. Explore the depths of our astrological insights at Astrology Creative.

Why is Astrology Important to Us?

Astrology is meaningful as it provides a distinctive perspective on life's intricacies. By examining celestial configurations, it imparts insights into individual characteristics, potential obstacles, and optimal decision timings. This ancient discipline fosters self-awareness, aiding personal and professional development. Astrology serves as a guiding force, assisting individuals in navigating uncertainties, making informed choices, and comprehending the interplay between cosmic forces and earthly existence. Ultimately, it empowers individuals to synchronize their actions with celestial rhythms, contributing to a more satisfying and purposeful life.

Watch Dr. S. Hazra Speak about Astrology

Our Services


Astrologer reading in mumbai


Palmistry reading in mumbai


Numerology reading in mumbai


Gems therapy in mumbai


  • Harmandeep Kaur Gill (Sydney, Australia) 
    I'm Harmandeep Kaur Gill, from Kolkata. I never had any staunch belief in astrology even after knowing the fact about its scientific dealing with the cosmo rays and positions of planets in the universe. I had been to a number of astrologers for predicting my future but none of them answered my question confidently. Finally it was Dr. Hazra who gave every detail of my bad and good time in past with proper reasoning. I never shared anything with him about my past but still whatever he said was very true. I suffered a neurological problem that made me knock every astrologer's door. But it was Dr. Hazra who put limelight and gave me the hope and his every predictions has matched till date. He is very much clear with his predictions. I am not giving you any false hopes. He is the best astrologer I have ever met till date. He can show your future image through his pen. I thank him for getting back my confidence and belief in astrology. As predicted by Dr. S.Hazra, I have moved to Australia for higher studies.
    Harmandeep Kaur Gill (Sydney, Australia) 
  • Amit Srivastava
    Dear Dr Hazra This is Amit Srivastava i came to you for consultation on 4th august 2015. You have advised me to take up acting as a career and predicted quick success. Well it has not been so quick but i have finally managed to get a lead role in a film. Most probably my shooting will be completed in the month of July. Thanks for your guidance. Now i am in Australia wanted to meet you personally an say thanks to you but i cant come till my shoot is over it was your conviction that i will be able to make my career in film industry and you are absolutely right. I never thought that your prediction will be so accurate. You also asked me to wear pearl in index finger & wanted to talk to you about that also what type of pearl i should wear. Dr Hazra one thing i want to tell you that it is only because of my trust in you that i have been fighting all odds to become an actor, honestly speaking otherwise i would have left this field long ago. Thanks for your timely and precious advice.
    Amit Srivastava
  • Amit Helegaonkar

    I was referred to Dr. Hazra by my friend Chinar and was astounded by the sheer accuracy with which he narrates one's past. His predictions about the future are certainly worth looking forward to. My friends who took his advice too haven't been disappointed by his services.

    Amit Helegaonkar
1Why do I need astrology?
Astrology can help most people in one way or another. The meaning behind a person’s character, their compatibilities, limitations, inner drive and overall life can be interpreted with help from the right astrologer. While many people find astrology inaccurate because of the popularization of Western astrology, one must understand that at Astrology Creative, the most famous and talented astrologers in Mumbai use the ancient science of Vedic Astrology to determine who a person is, was and will be. That is, we don’t think of a person as their sun sign, but rather as an amalgam of all their 12 relevant signs like the moon sign, rising signs, etc. Astrology can help one learn to respect and appreciate others and themselves more. It highlights the wonderful differences that we have among us that makes us unique. Moreover, astrology actually explains why someone is the way they are. But that’s not all. Predictions from the best astrologer in Mumbai will be highly accurate. It can even open up opportunities like never before. Formulating business strategies, investing in the stock market, analyzing various interpersonal relationships and even analyzing political scenarios can be done with a whole new perspective using the right astrology services in Mumbai.
2Can astrology predict relationships?
The short answer is yes. Coming from a trusted astrologer like Dr S Hazra in Mumbai, astrology predictions can impact your romantic relationships and help you find new meanings within them. Certain planetary combinations in the horoscopes of the people involved can even influence the success and failure of relationships. According to the best astrologer in Mumbai, Dr S Hazra, Venus and Moon are the most critical determinant planets in the case of relationships. The moon influences the intensity of a relationship while Venus determines the romanticism and sexual compatibility between two people. For instance, if a person has an extremely strong presence of Venus in their horoscope, they might be prone to having affairs. Of course, this varies depending on the person’s compatibility with their partner and the rest of their horoscope.
1Which astrology is more accurate?
Vedic astrology stemmed from jyoti shastra in ancient India. This moon-based astrological prediction system is now famous far and wide for its accuracy. The famous astrologers in Mumbai are even considered the best in the world. Unlike Western astrology, the Vedic system uses Vimshottari Dasa, a system that helps in analyzing how various planetary positions affect the life of an individual. It takes fixed zodiac signs, star signs, planetary positions and movements to measure their impact on a person. Additionally, it is also considered to be the most advanced and detailed astrological system in the world. It bases its predictions on complex mathematical and astronomical calculations. That is, if you choose a reputed astrologer like Dr S Hazra in Mumbai. So yes, Vedic astrology is the most accurate and well-developed astrology system in existence.
2Can accurate predictions be made without birth date and time?
Unfortunately, even the best astrologer in Mumbai will be unable to make predictions based on vedic astrology without a birth date and time. Since the cosmic forces that govern each individual horoscope are constantly in motion, accurate birth date, time and place is necessary for an accurate prediction. The difference of even a minute in your birth time could completely ruin your astrological chart. Astrologers, including Dr S Hazra in Mumbai, use the exact placement of various relevant bodies during your birth as the base for any interpretation. If you don’t have your exact birth details there are a few ways you can try to get them. Consulting a birth certificate, parents or even the hospital records from your birth can give you all the details you need. Even if you can’t get the exact birth moment, try to get as near to it as possible. An experienced astrologer like Dr S Hazra, unlike many other famous astrologers in Mumbai, will be able to derive at least a few key details with minimal info. But even if you fail to get any details, you don’t have to give up on astrology. You still have the option to choose palmistry. As the best palmist in Mumbai, Dr S Hazra will be able to make predictions based on your palms.

Reach Us

For getting consultancy from the best astrologers in Mumbai, Thane & Navi Mumbai, dial +91 9167914676