Sleep is a necessary activity in every living creature’s life. We all need rest to perform our daily tasks and maintain our energy and health. Our brain needs replenishment after a certain amount of time, and sleeping helps in this process. For students, the significance of sleep becomes manifold. The age of an individual influences sleep requirements. For better productivity an individual must get enough sleep at night. @edu_minatti Child Development, Parents, Sleep Aids, Sleep Help, Parenting, Benefits Of Sleep, Good Sleep, Physical Health, Good Mental Health


Sleep is a necessary activity in every living creature’s life. We all need rest to perform our daily tasks and maintain our energy and health. Our brain needs replenishment after a certain amount of time, and sleeping helps in this process. For students, the significance of sleep becomes manifold. The age of an individual influences sleep requirements. For better productivity an individual must get enough sleep at night. @edu_minatti


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