Mindcafe India

Mindcafe India

Mental Health Care

Bhopal, Madhya pradesh 1,456 followers

Mental health for all- Individuals & Businesses🌟 Trust in Mindcafe🧿 SIGN UP TODAY :)

About us

Welcome to MINDCAFE - your partner in fostering a culture of mental well-being. Our tailored solutions aren't just a luxury; they're a necessity to combat: - stress - burnout - enhance productivity ✅ Are you an organisational/institutional head looking to build happier teams? ✅ Is employee well-being your priority? ✅ Are you searching for a compatible wellness partner? Then, Mindcafe India should be your go-to mental well-being companion. We work in 4 steps: + 1:1 Unlimited therapy + Customized workshops + Anonymous community + Transformational courses ___________________________ 🟣 Via our UNLIMITED 1:1 THERAPY SESSIONS, we unpack the modern challenges of workplace stress, team dynamics, & the pursuit of excellence 🟣 Our MENTAL HEALTH EXPERT CURATED COURSES & TRANSFORMATIONAL WORKSHOPS equip individuals and teams with tools to thrive in high-pressure environments. 🟣 Explore MINDFEEDS - where anonymity meets empowerment. Your story, your voice, our platform. 🤝 JOIN US in sculpting leaders who uplift teams that excel, and an office culture where mental wellness is woven into every success story. Drop us a ✉ at cmo@mindcafe.app. Empowering employees & organizations to prioritize mental wellness isn't just a mission - it's a revolution.

Mental Health Care
Company size
11-50 employees
Bhopal, Madhya pradesh
Employees mental health


Employees at Mindcafe India


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    How can month-end resolutions serve as a beneficial tool for setting short-term goals and creating a sense of structure that positively impacts mental health? Here are some examples of month-end resolutions that might enhance mental well-being! 1. Focus on Self-Care: This could be anything from reading, taking baths, meditating, or engaging in a hobby you love. The key is to ensure it’s something that truly relaxes and rejuvenates you. 2. Mindfulness Practice: Commit to a daily or weekly mindfulness practice. This might involve meditation, yoga, or simply spending a few minutes each day breathing deeply and grounding yourself in the present moment. 3. Digital Detox: Plan short breaks from digital devices. This could be setting aside certain times of the day as screen-free or having a full day each week without digital devices to help reduce stress and improve your focus. 4. Improve Sleep Habits: Work on your sleep hygiene by setting a consistent bedtime, reducing screen time before bed, and creating a restful environment. Good sleep is crucial for mental health. 5. Journaling: Start a journaling habit to express thoughts and emotions. It can be a useful tool for self-reflection and processing feelings. 6. Learn Something New: Engage your brain by learning a new skill or exploring a new hobby. This can increase your sense of accomplishment and boost your mood. 7. Volunteer: Commit some time to helping others. Volunteering can provide a sense of purpose and reduce feelings of loneliness or isolation. 8. Therapy or Counseling: If you’ve been considering seeking professional help for mental health, make the resolution to start therapy or counseling. Regular sessions can provide support and tools to manage mental health challenges more effectively. You can also check Mindtreats from Mindcafe India. #mindtreats #therapy #monthend #may #learn #selfcare #selflove #volunteer #digitaldetox #sleep #mindfulness #mindcafeindia

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    Founder's Office @ Mindcafe India | Building Mindcafe India for a Solution-oriented Society

    Language isn't just a tool for communication; it shapes how we perceive the world. Last month, a first-year MBBS student was found dead in her hostel room in MP. Her father revealed that she was depressed for a long time for not having a good command over English. However, when language becomes synonymous with social status or intelligence, it fails to deliver its purpose. This notion is particularly prevalent among students, where fluency in English is often equated with intellect or higher social status. Unfortunately, in classrooms, students often perceive language proficiency as a sign of intellect. This belief system misleads their perception, leading them to prioritize linguistic correctness over creative expression. Consequently, their ability of critical thinking, reasoning and introspection downgrades and they run towards linguistic excellence. Situations like these come with a huge baggage of mental and emotional health concerns which are often left unaddressed due to a lack of awareness related to mental health. In the medical and legal field, the situation is even more alarming as from admission tests to academia, the students are bound to excel in their command over the English language. However, in my opinion, the problem is not with having a good command over a particular language but with keeping students from a different linguistic background at the same pedestal in terms of communication in English. When it comes to institutions, the focus should be more on adopting measures to help students overcome language barriers than showing the importance of a particular language to them. Several state Governments are working constantly to fill the linguistic gaps by introducing different policies. One such example is the introduction of the MBBS curriculum in Hindi by the Government of Madhya Pradesh. These policies will achieve their desired result with society's active support and cooperation. Language should empower, not constrain and it should never be the cause of poor mental health among individuals. We, at Mindcafe India, are dedicated to providing a safe space to students via our Student Well-being Programs for educational institutions wherein our major focus is on communication and not on language. Mindcafe India offers a wide range of customised Student Well-being Programs to cater for the holistic mental well-being of the students in their preferred language. Visit www.mindcafe.app to know more! #mentalhealthnetwork #mentalhealth #MBBS #medical #law #languagebarrier #english #mentalhealthawareness

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    We've never been taught how to guide our own thinking. 🤔 As a result, we often spend too much time on unhelpful thoughts, which can harm our health and relationships 😖 . Join Dr. Meghna Singhal for an eye-opening journey to understand and improve your thought process. Let’s make your thinking smoother and more productive! 🤗 #mindtreats #thoughts #productive #overthinking #relationships #mentalhealth #journey #mindcafeindia

    Unlock Your Path to Mental Wellness with Mindtreats!


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    Startup mentors are most welcome:)

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    Founder CEO, Mindcafe India & GSE Schools // IE Spain Alumni

    🚀 Seeking a Startup Mentor for Mindcafe India 🤝 Dear LinkedIn Community, Mindcafe is a pioneering mental health company dedicated to providing innovative solutions in both B2B and B2C domains. Over the past two years, our journey has been one of growth, learning, and impactful service. We are proud to be making a difference in the mental health space and are moving in the right direction. Since the inception of Mindcafe India, I have been fortunate to have the guidance of Keerti Bhusan Pradhan Sir, whose expertise in healthcare has been invaluable. His mentorship has been a cornerstone of our progress, and I am eternally grateful for his support. As we continue to scale and evolve, I am now in search of an additional mentor who can offer insights, support, and guidance from a startup perspective. Here’s who we are looking for: 🔹 Experienced:A seasoned professional with a strong background in startups and entrepreneurship. 🔹 Visionary:Someone who shares our larger goal of transforming mental health solutions. 🔹 Committed: Willing to support and guide us at every step of our journey and making critical business decisions every day. This is an exciting project to be a part of a dynamic and impactful initiative. If you are passionate about mental health and have the expertise to help steer a growing startup, I would love to connect with you. Please reach out to me directly or tag anyone in your network who might be interested in this.Together, we can make a significant difference in the mental health landscape. Thank you for your support! #startup #mentorship #mentalhealth #MindcafeIndia #entrepreneurship #healthcare #b2b #b2c #growth #innovation

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    Here are some suggestions for structuring conversations and encouraging your near and dear ones to seek professional help! 😃 1. "Sometimes talking to someone trained to help can make a big difference. There’s no harm in trying a session with a therapist. What do you think?" 2. "Therapists can provide strategies and tools that might really help you manage these feelings. Would you like help finding one?" 3. "I've found talking to a professional really helpful for my own mental health. It’s totally confidential and can be really freeing. Want me to share more about my experience?" #conversations #encourage #professionalhelp #mentalhealthmatters #confidential #suggestions #mindcafeindia

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    Here are some suggestions for normalizing the discussion about mental health in a way that is supportive and constructive. 🤗 1. "It’s completely okay to feel not okay sometimes. Many of us go through similar feelings. What's important is taking steps to care for your mental health." 2. "Mental health is just as important as physical health. Taking time to look after your mind makes you strong, not weak." 3. "We all need a mental health check-up from time to time. How do you think we can make this a regular part of our conversation?" #nomalize #mentalhealth #discussion #toughconversations #mentalhealthcheckup #physicalhealth #mind #mindcafeindia

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    Here are some suggestions for starting conversation related to offering support about mental health in a way that is supportive and constructive 😁 1. "What can I do to support you right now?" 2. "Is there a way I can help you feel more comfortable or make things a little easier?" 3. "I know it's tough, but I'm here for you. Let's figure out a way forward together." #support #constructive #together #bettertogether #wayforward #mindcafeindia

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    People high in emotional intelligence — also referred to as having a high EQ (emotional quotient) — have a healthy capacity for coping; they regulate their emotions and manage their own thoughts and feelings, as well as those of others. Self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills are all key components of EI. How well do you understand, label, express, and regulate emotions? Take our Emotional Intelligence Test now! #emotionalintelligence #emotions #selfawareness #selfregulation #motivation #empathy #socialskills #higheq #selfassessmenttest #mindcafeindia

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